Real Property Management Wasatch


We noticed an article about a tenant complaining to her landlord about a sign that was posted in the bathroom of her unit that said, “Do not flush tampons!” Obviously, the landlord was pointing a finger at that particular tenant for the plumbing problems. We found it interesting that this building was built in 1945 and it was a multiplex unit.

This discussion started to pick up some momentum as to who was really to blame. Was the landlord was in the right or wrong, or was the tenant overreacting? It wasn’t clear on how this really ended but does bring up a situation that we need to address.

Here are some ways for handling our tenant complaints:

There are multiple complaints received in the property management business. But this is a big part of our job and we will continue to strive to dedicate ourselves and improve our customer service. We are always working hard to make a good impression and bring excellence to our tenants and owners.

Our goal is to build trusting and long lasting relationships with all our customers. Real Property Management Wasatch is located in Salt Lake City, Utah.